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Software Development Technologies

Help you create web products to reach your goals and save your resources for new launches by using serverless technologies.

  • Node.js

    Single-threaded, open-source, cross-platform runtime to build fast and scalable server-side applications

  • Java Script

    Dynamic programming language that's used for web and game development, in web applications, and lots more

  • TypeScript

    Strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale

  • Angular | NGXS

    Most potent, component-based, open-source framework to build scalable web apps written in TypeScript

  • React | MobX

    React is a fast, scalable and simple way to build modern and powerful web and mobile applications

  • Serverless Framework

    Open-source tool to build, package and deploy serverless applications to AWS, GCP, Azure, Kubernetes, etc

  • Express | Sails | Nest

    Node.js frameworks designed to build API's web applications cross-platform mobile apps quickly and easy

  • Amazon Web Services

    Cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offerings


    Open-source frameworks to define cloud application resources using familiar programming languages for AWS

  • Terraform_Logo


    Infrastructure as code tool that lets build, change, and version cloud resources safely and efficiently

  • Google Cloud Platform

    Cloud vendor that offers computing services for SaaS, delivering web and video, AI and machine learning tools

  • Microsoft Azure

    Сloud computing platform that allows you to access and manage cloud services and resources by Microsoft

  • IBM Cloud

    Open and secure public cloud platform, a next-gen hybrid multicloud platform, advanced data and AI capabilities

  • PostgreSQL | MySQL | Aurora

    Powerful databases used explicitly by developers for building the highly reliable and effective solutions

  • NoSQL databases

    Database management approach generally means that it is non-relational, distributed, flexible, and scalable

  • Flutter | GetIt

    Open-source framework to build beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform apps from a single codebase

  • Dart

    Dart is a client-optimized language developed by Google for developing fast apps on any platform

  • Electron

    Framework for building desktop apps using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS with embedded Chromium and Node.js